Well today I bought the clean up crew for my 30L and 60L tank.
First up, an Algae Eating Shrimp that i got for the 30L who is very comical. Picks up the algae and stuff with his knife and fork then eats like a true gentleman!
Next, A lovely Clown Plec that I got for the 60L tank. He's being very shy at the moment but he did go straight to the corner of the tank with the most algae which is cool, he obviously knows what he's doing!
First up, an Algae Eating Shrimp that i got for the 30L who is very comical. Picks up the algae and stuff with his knife and fork then eats like a true gentleman!
Next, A lovely Clown Plec that I got for the 60L tank. He's being very shy at the moment but he did go straight to the corner of the tank with the most algae which is cool, he obviously knows what he's doing!