Tank Change


New Member
Jan 12, 2005
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I have a 30g tank that currently has 3 jewels, 2 algae eaters, and two other cichlids that I do not know the name of. I have gravel in the bottom of the tank but wat thinking about removing gravel and putting in sand. What kind of sand do I use? And I use a gravel cleaner now to clean tank..what would you use for sand? And will this be okay for all the fish? And will an underground filter still work?
Wow. That had alot of information and answered some other questions that I had. I do not think that I have enough cover for these fish. My jewels just had babies again so I am waiting until they get a little bigger before I move them to the holding tank. My boyfriend has never done a complete (change rock, clean under gravel filer, etc.) cleaning on the tank since he has had it, about 7 years now. My gravel has alot of algae on it. I want to liven it up some, but do not want to hurt my babies at the same time. I have about 150 fry's swimming in my tank now. I have no idea what I am going to do with all of them...any suggestions? :dunno:
I didn't see it mentioned in that link, so I will add that, no you can't use an undergravel filter with sand. There are lots of cheap internals around, but if you can afford it, go for a canister, they are my preferance.


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