Tank Change


Fish Crazy
May 7, 2006
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I'm upgrading my tank from a 55 gallon to 95 gallon. The only thing is that i don't know how to do it properly.

do i put the fish in buckets with the aqaurium water first. and put in all the old water into the new aquarium, and then put the fish into bags one by one so they adjust?

then fill the rest of the tank up with water?

my gf just wants to tip the whole bucket with 40 fish in with the old water. but i'm not sure if that's the thing to do. i don't want no deaths
I've done that with several tanks, upgraded three 20's to 29's a while back. Shut down the heaters & filters, Put the media in a bucket with some tank water, and drained the tanks ¾ of the way. I put the fish in a couple of buckets, added a sponge filter & a towel on top. Drained the old tanks, no gravel, so this is when you would remove the gravel & other deco's. I didn’t save any of the old water, but I do 50% or better weekly water changes, so 100% fresh won’t bother them. You may want to save your old water, or at least 25%.

Once the new tank is in position & level, add the gravel. Add ¼ of the water, then position your deco’s. Add the remaining water at the same temperature as the buckets, and set up the heater & filter. Do a final check on the level, fire up the heater & filter.

Please net the fish out of the bucket, dumping them could cause damage.

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