well i ordered 2 more bags of crushed coral, and i need about 30lbs more of live rock. im just wondering if when i add the live rock, it will start a cycle again and could possibly kill the fish.
( so basically its ok if i empty everything from my 30 gallon into buckets...rocks, fish, sand, and water... get 30lbs more of live rock and the live sand and put it in the new tank with the temp and salt levels ready, add my old rocks in, add the water in, and then the fish in)
so will this basically be able to be done in one day if im understand everything correctly, or does the new rock have to adjust and is 20 gallons ( because tank is 55 and i currently have 30 gallons of set water from the old tank) and will the new 20 gallons of water have to cycle as well or will the old 30's water mix with it and make its all ok.
thanks if you can reply and understand what i wrote lol.
So long as your new rock isn't out of the water for more than an hour or two (or maybe a little longer) then cycling won't be a problem. Even if there is a little die off, your existing LR and substrate (that'll be 'live' too!) can cope with it. Nobody should die!
Here's what I'd do ... (others may chose to refine this list)
Day before or 2 days before the 'move'
1, get your new tank in position, mount powerheads/heater etc - leave skimmer and say 1 powerhead on old tank for now.
2, mix up some new salt water in the new tank, using RO of course, - fill it to about halfway, get it up to temp and salinity of old tank.
Moving day
3, Go pick up new LR and substrate stick LR straight in new tank, go rinse new substrate (less it's live sand - don't bother with it - not needed)
4, Add washed substrate to new tank
5, catch all fish, livestock etc and transfer to barrels/buckets/bath etc
6, Siphon half (ish) water from old tank and put it into new one
7, Remove LR from old - transfer to new tank
8, Ditto old substrate to new tank
9, Fill tank with old water
10, Stop - check levels (nitrate/nitrite/phos/calc/alk) and adjust if necessary
11, Start acclimation for livestock ie, lower water level in the bucket and gradually add tank water
12, transfer livestock to new tank
13, get the kettle on
14, post a few picks on here
job done.