Tank Capacity


New Member
Apr 6, 2009
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Ilive in the North East of Scotland
Hi all,
I'm new to this hobby and over the last couple of months have cycled my tank and slowly added some fish.

I now have:

6 x Serpae Tetras

6 x Lemon Tetras

4 x Black Neons

2 X Pepper Cory's

Any advice on my selection of fish and is my tank at full capacity. I have a 80 ltr tank.

hi, you are pretty much there if not a little over. What filtration do you have?

Also, you need to validate your membership. If you have not received an email then check you spam/junk filter. :good:
To work out your tanks capacity, find out your tanks capacity in gallons (you can use the calculator thingy at the top of the page ^) From there it's basically one inch of fish for every gallon that you have
Eg. 9 gallon tank = total 9 inches of fish
Bear in mind that it is a TOTAL of inches, not one big fish LOL :lol: We've had that one before :D
Glad to hear you cycled your tank and everything and did it all the way it should be done :good: you'd be surprised how many people throw fish staight in on the "advice" of their lfs.

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