Tank Buddies


Fish Fanatic
Oct 2, 2007
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San Diego Cali -for-nia
OK so iam back and my brother the other week said he really like my tiger barbs and that he would pay me for them. BUT im kinda afraid to give them to him b/c he has 5 neon tetras and 1 Red tail shark that has started bullying the neons so my question is should i let him have the tiger barbs? And will the TBs kill his Red Tail Shark?(HE LOVES THE SHARK)
What size is the tank ? and what size are the barbs and shark?

RTB sharks are naturally territorial so it may be that the tank is too small for him and this is why he is constantly chasing the neons,

A smaller RTB shark will live fine with tetras and barbs in a suitably sized aquarium for some time, but larger specimens can often become quite aggresive to its tankmates,
oo im pretty shure it s 10gl tank thats well cycled he doesnt care about the neons anymore :sad: but he loves the shrk i think i will only give him 2 to start even though i know the TBs are supposed to be kept in a group of 6
10 gallons is way too small for a RTBS they need at least a 36" tank. I'm not sure about compatibility with the barbs but they definatly couldn't go together in a tank that small.

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