Tank Bred Fish And Cultured Corals

Miss Wiggle

Practically perfect in every way
Mar 24, 2006
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last time we went to our lfs they took great delight (and deservedly so IMO) in showing us all the tank bred fish they'd got in and said they're now requesting from they're suppliers tank bred where possible.

how good are the lfs's near you for getting tank bred fish and cultured corals? does the fact that they do/don't get them affect your descision to shop there? would you mind paying more for cultured corals/tank bred fish or do you think they should be cheaper?

just being nosey!
I have always found that tank bread fish are cheaper and more hardier that there wild counterparts.

Agreed. All our Ocellaris and Percula clownfish are bred a couple hours away in central NY. I guess there's a BIG clownfish farm. We also routinely get engineer gobies and pseudochromis springeri from another farm in the state. As for corals, prolly half the corals that go through my LFS are frags/cultured specimins.

I'll typically buy frags and tank-raised items over wild caught ones for exactly the reasons matt posted. But I usually don't limit my decisions to only tank-bred since many cannot be tank-raised or are very rare. I only have 3 wild caught corals in my tank (elegance, torch, and favites brain), all the rest including my clam are farmed/fragged. And as for fish, only my wrasses are wild-caught.
Yup much hardier tank bred than wild.

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