I have been doing a daily 20% water change in my tropical tank. 10 gal tank with 2 mollies, 2 platies, & 1 swordtail. I have managed to keep the ammonia at .25 or below. I am adding Cycle to the tank as recommended on the package. I haven't found a source of Bio-Spira in my area.
Today before I did the 20% water change, I took readings as follows:
Ph 7.2
KH 120
GH 75
NO2 3.0
NO3 20
Ammonia 0
This is a 10 gal tank, Penquin bio-wheel that is rated for up to 20 gal, 2 airstones. Heated with a temp of about 75F.
I think this is looking pretty good but I am not sure. Should I continue with a 20% water change or drop back to a 10% water change? The fish are all looking good at this point, but we all know how quickly that can change.
At this point my goldfish tank is more of a challenge. I have lost a total of 3 fish in that tank, the exact reason, I am not sure of. However I am having a more difficult time keeping the ammonia down below .25. I am down to 1 fancy fantail and 1 shubunkin. They both seem well at this time.
Readings today were:
Ph 7.2
KH 120
GH 75
NO2 0
NO3 less than 20
Ammonia less than .25
This tank has a penguin bio-wheel 125 rated for up to 30 gal, no heater, and 2 air stones. I will continue to do the 20% change here. I am a bit concerned that there are no nitrates showing up yet. Water source and treatment are the same for both tanks. Neither tank has shown the tale tale sign of a sudden bacteria bloom yet.
I do realize that I am overfiltering on these tanks but as I am on a bit of a budget I bought for future tanks. I plan on the goldfish to go to a 30 gal and the tropicals to go to a 20 gal in the future. I have learned to be careful about over feeding.
Today before I did the 20% water change, I took readings as follows:
Ph 7.2
KH 120
GH 75
NO2 3.0
NO3 20
Ammonia 0
This is a 10 gal tank, Penquin bio-wheel that is rated for up to 20 gal, 2 airstones. Heated with a temp of about 75F.
I think this is looking pretty good but I am not sure. Should I continue with a 20% water change or drop back to a 10% water change? The fish are all looking good at this point, but we all know how quickly that can change.
At this point my goldfish tank is more of a challenge. I have lost a total of 3 fish in that tank, the exact reason, I am not sure of. However I am having a more difficult time keeping the ammonia down below .25. I am down to 1 fancy fantail and 1 shubunkin. They both seem well at this time.
Readings today were:
Ph 7.2
KH 120
GH 75
NO2 0
NO3 less than 20
Ammonia less than .25
This tank has a penguin bio-wheel 125 rated for up to 30 gal, no heater, and 2 air stones. I will continue to do the 20% change here. I am a bit concerned that there are no nitrates showing up yet. Water source and treatment are the same for both tanks. Neither tank has shown the tale tale sign of a sudden bacteria bloom yet.
I do realize that I am overfiltering on these tanks but as I am on a bit of a budget I bought for future tanks. I plan on the goldfish to go to a 30 gal and the tropicals to go to a 20 gal in the future. I have learned to be careful about over feeding.