Tank Backing


Fish Fanatic
Jun 29, 2006
Reaction score
Nottingham, UK
Hi all, I know its all been discussed before, about blue or black background. Im still deciding at the minute. I went to my LFS yesterday and saw the backing kind of vinyl you can get, one side black and one side blue. I thought this would be good to use as i could change my mind if i'm not keen on it.

Has anyone had any experience with these? If so is it good or bad?

Any info is muchos appreciative

Hi all, I know its all been discussed before, about blue or black background. Im still deciding at the minute. I went to my LFS yesterday and saw the backing kind of vinyl you can get, one side black and one side blue. I thought this would be good to use as i could change my mind if i'm not keen on it.

Has anyone had any experience with these? If so is it good or bad?

Any info is muchos appreciative


Thats what I use on my current FW tank (with black side facing) It has been on about 3 different tanks over the last 5 years and still looks like new. Just make sure you put tape along the top to stop water getting between it and the back of the tank.
I have the same backing for our SW tank and we have the blue side showing at the moment. We may try the black side at some point just to make a nice change!
blacks better at hiding in tank equipment....blacks better at hiding in tank equipment....

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