Tank Arrangements


Fish Fanatic
Jan 27, 2006
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Hi, while I have a 55 gallon community tank, I always see these sad looking little half dead bettas in peitrie dishes of blue water. So, I have rescued a few. I have been keeping them in http://www.petsmart.com/media/ps/images/pr.../9054_45fe7.jpg for a while. I tossed the dividers and the 2 have their own little tank. I was wondering since I have the gear, if it would be better to dremel multiple holes in the tank's walls and silicone them together, so I have better water flow and more room to use a heater and filter. Currently I am doing 100 percent water changes every 2 weeks. They don't mind, and quickly build bubble nests after water changes. :)

Or, should I buy a 10 gallon tank and divider for them and have a more standard tank for them?

I wish they could go in the community tank, but after 1 day of careful observation with one in,he tended to be quite the tough guy. I had a number of fish with fins growing back including the betta for weeks.

What would you consider a good layout for 2 bettas. I just dont like small tanks. I feel bad keeping them in them. :/
Brett he didn't ask about that :lol:
I think the 10Gal is the better option- Trying to do your first plan may result in an unexpected accident.
The 10Gal will be alot healthier for the fish :good:
Thanks for the tips.
I think I will pick up a 10 gallon on lunch. I got a spare bio wheel filter and air pump at home, so all I need is the tank and divider. Just have to figure out how to work the filter so both sides get the benefit. T the air line and 2 air stones, I should be in buisness.
Thanks again.
You don't need an air pump because bettas are labyrinth fish. They generally prefer -not- to have an air pump, actually, because it disturbs the surface of the water too much. It won't hurt them if you are set on having bubbles, but it's really not necessary.

I recommend these dividers. Much cheaper than store-bought ones, and work just as well. :)

Actually, I personally wouldn't even use a filter. I used to have one in my divided (into 3) 10 gallon tank but it was just too much current. With just 2 bettas in 10 gallons, I'd just leave out the filter and do 75-100% water changes every week... but that's just me... and of course it's up to you. It also depends if your filter has an adjustable flow, because mine doesn't.
I went ahead and took the plunge and got a 10 gallon for $9.00 at LPS and picked up on of these and with a little trimming with scissors for fit, worked great. Fish have alot more room, I used the old triangle boxes for plants on the window sill. I just hope they quit flaring constantly. Although having never seen them flair up completely I was amazed at the way they looked. Especially my pink and white one.

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