Tank All But Wiped Out, Help Asap


New Member
Jul 11, 2006
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just got back from 2 days away and white spot has nearly wiped out my tank.

losses so far are

1 betta
2 clown loaches
3 cardinals

and possible a chuli loache as i cant see him anywere

well i done a 50% water change and am waiting for the heater to get to 30 now

when i add the treatment (blue stuff) should i turn the filters off or leave them running???

any replys greatly appreciated
leave the filters running, as your fish still produce amonia while there poorly,

and you need to add some extra airiation as the higher temp aswell as the medication will sap the oxygen from the water and so stress your fish more thusly causing them to become evene weaker, also try leaving the lights off as this will help to keep the stress levels down
Hi there. This short article on whitespot may be of much help to you in treating the desease efficiently;


How long have you been treating the desease and how many gallons is the tank? Is the tank newly set up and have you tested it at all for ammonia, nitrites and nitrates? I agree with BigIan, it is important to have your filter running at all times (does your filter have a carbon sponge in it at all?).
thank you.

will let ya kno how it goes

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