Tank Algae ?


New Member
Feb 16, 2006
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Hi its been nearly 2 years since I had a problem. Last time it was a green tank which cleared itself. i think it was because tank was new ish.
Now I have black dots with hair coming out of them. i assume its a form of algae. They stick to tank glass and plastic. They dont apear to be on gravel. They are a sod to get off. Wire pan scrubber!. After a few weeks they come back. They spread quickly

Lights are on from 6 to 8 hours a day.
No direct day light.
I have a tank leach or what ever it is (nibbles at glass etc) That doesn't go near them.
I have 3 big goldfish, so they produce a lot of waist.
2 good filters. Ehiem pro and fluval 3+

Nearly forgot. I did water teat and all came in ok...as they always do. ph, High Range ph, Ammonia, nitrate and nitrite
Hi its been nearly 2 years since I had a problem. Last time it was a green tank which cleared itself. i think it was because tank was new ish.
Now I have black dots with hair coming out of them. i assume its a form of algae. They stick to tank glass and plastic. They dont apear to be on gravel. They are a sod to get off. Wire pan scrubber!. After a few weeks they come back. They spread quickly

Lights are on from 6 to 8 hours a day.
No direct day light.
I have a tank leach or what ever it is (nibbles at glass etc) That doesn't go near them.
I have 3 big goldfish, so they produce a lot of waist.
2 good filters. Ehiem pro and fluval 3+

Nearly forgot. I did water teat and all came in ok...as they always do. ph, High Range ph, Ammonia, nitrate and nitrite

Oooh, black beard algae/black brush algae - nasty stuff and tricky to get rid of. Best way to prevent it is to have a heavily planted tank (very hard with goldfish!) and best way to remove it is with an army of shrimp (again, hard to keep with goldfish, water is too cold and they make tasty snacks). There's some good pointers on algae in the planted section which might help you a bit more. :)
Hi its been nearly 2 years since I had a problem. Last time it was a green tank which cleared itself. i think it was because tank was new ish.
Now I have black dots with hair coming out of them. i assume its a form of algae. They stick to tank glass and plastic. They dont apear to be on gravel. They are a sod to get off. Wire pan scrubber!. After a few weeks they come back. They spread quickly

Lights are on from 6 to 8 hours a day.
No direct day light.
I have a tank leach or what ever it is (nibbles at glass etc) That doesn't go near them.
I have 3 big goldfish, so they produce a lot of waist.
2 good filters. Ehiem pro and fluval 3+

Nearly forgot. I did water teat and all came in ok...as they always do. ph, High Range ph, Ammonia, nitrate and nitrite
Its not out of control but really pi%%ing me off

Oooh, black beard algae/black brush algae - nasty stuff and tricky to get rid of. Best way to prevent it is to have a heavily planted tank (very hard with goldfish!) and best way to remove it is with an army of shrimp (again, hard to keep with goldfish, water is too cold and they make tasty snacks). There's some good pointers on algae in the planted section which might help you a bit more. :)

I tried searching for picture of both named algae and none of the pictures looked the same. In the pics they seamed to clump together. Mine are spread all over but in mild form. 10 dots here 5 there etc. Why does plants help anyway?
plants use up nutrients that the algae needs to grow, and also, plants produce alleochemicals which fight off algae. if you are going to try the plant route you will need to get fast growers: ludwigia, cambomba, elodea, duckweed (which is also good for goldfish to munch on from what I understand.), rotala indica...there are many fast growers out there, they will help combat algae.
Had plants before. The fish nibble them. causing bits, which clog filters. Ill try for a few months. Cant see then growing much before they get munched up lol ) :good: :good:
Just get a bunch of elodea and duckweed. Elodea is fairly cheap where I live, and I think if you know someone close to you that keeps a planted aquarium and has duckweed in it they will probably give it away.
Went today to a good local place. Got a plant (unknown) and some duck weed. I didnt know it was floating bits. Put them in tank and one of my fish thought it was a good snack. So I fed them early. 3 hours later all gone. The plant is there, but duck weed was too good not to eat. It was only 10p for 40 or so bits. i can't keep going every day. I think my local park is swarming with this stuff, but may be a bit risky. Any ideas. I dont mind if its cheap and can buy a load in one go.

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