Tank Algae Problem


New Member
Feb 7, 2004
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Ive got a 60L fluval tank with a fluval 2+ filter.
Recently the tank has been covered in green algae.
The algae goes on the gravel the glass and in the filter media.

I have changed the water 40% every day for the last week it has made no difference but the water totally stinks.
Ive bought some algae reducing chemicals but it makes no difference.

I belive this is normal at the end of cycling which is around the point that I am at.

Tank was set up in early January.

Many Thanks People

I used fish in the cycleing period
This period is now over and has been for a while.
I get 0ppm ammonia and nitrite.
most algae needs a light source to grow; cut back your lighting to only about 5 hours a day and try to see if your tank is getting direct sunlight anytime throughout the day.
The algae goes on the gravel the glass and in the filter media.

It grows inside the filter too?? Could you tell your water parameters (pH, NO3-)? Do you have any fish and/or plants?
I have the same problem with my fry tank. The algae is insane. Even with the plants and algae eaters (Ottocinclus) that are in the tank the algae is out of control. Nothing I do seems to cut into the algae at all. I am wondering if something is weird with my water. I stopped putting the light over the tank to try to starve the algae. I dunno if that will work....
In time, the tank will settle and there will be less algae. Until then, get live plants (like someone already suggested) and buy an algae magnet. you use the algae magnet to scrape/wipe off the algae from the glass so your tank will look much better. :) Also, if you have plastic plants, take them out and wash them every now and then. Do you use a gravel vacuum? You could use that to suck up algae on the gravel :nod:


rsz ^_^
well light is what you need to cut back on and if you live near farm land or where furtalizers are used a lot then do a phosphate tes and if its high phosphate then get something to remove it and if u use vitamin supliments and plant food then cut those back as well
:fish: Get some floating plants, allow them to cover the surface of the tank, once this happens remove about three quarters of the floating plants and repeat the last step.
Make sure your lights are on for no longer than twelve hours a day, less is better while you are getting rid of the algae.
Keep the water changes to 20% weekly, each time you add water to the tank you are adding nutrients for the algae to use.
If you can get some java moss this grows well in the right conditions.
Tropical hornwort will activly pump anti algae chemicals into the water and forms clumps just under the surface, great for fry :D
Check your nitrATE level. If you are through your cycle you probably have a nitrate build up in an empty tank. Perfect environment for algae. Put some live plants in and scrub the algae off the tank if you feel it is unsightly. Otherwise it is a sign of a healthy tank. I wouldn't worry about it in the filter either. Probably better that way IMO.

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