Tanganyka Vs. Malawi


New Member
Jul 27, 2008
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I'm curious, can these two different lakes of cichlid fish live together in a tank? I was at the pet store and asked what cichlids could go together in this tank (besides just housing Tanganyika) and the guy in the aquarium area said it might be possible to house Malawi with them. Is this really possible? I'd like to get more fish tomorrow if I can, I've ordered a book on the Tankanyika fish but am looking online tonight for more too.
Alrighty, well thats okay. I wasn't too worried about it, I just wanted to make sure that I didn't end up getting told one thing and then putting the fish in my tank only to find something terrible happen.

I appreciate it! Thanks!
Yer, i've tried this and it failed.

I've heard it CAN be done in some cases but it's difficult!

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