I have a new afromastecembelus plagiostomus, and it is eating like crazy and being really active when there's food around and doing well overall, but I noticed what looks like a few spots. I'm almost certain it's ich, but it is still eating and isn't scratching on the gravel. A few days ago it was breathing heavily, but this was cured by adding a stronger filter. The water is clean and has cichlid salts in it, so there really is nothing wrong with its tank. It's new so somehow something went wrong and it seems to have ich. What medicine is best? Are there risks because this would be another source of stress (putting in medicine) and maybe even dangerous because the eel is scaleless? It seems stupid to wait and see if it gets worse just to make sure it really is ich. This would be alot easier to get help with if I had a digital camera. If anyone has any idea what to do, please tell me. Thanks.