Tanganikan cichlids


Fish Fanatic
Oct 9, 2003
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I am thinking about converting my 2ftx1ftx1ft community tank to tanganikans but i don't know how to keep them properly so i have some questions:

1. How do i make the water suitable for them?
2. What substrate do i need?
3. Does it matter what kind of rocks and shells(for shell dwellers) i use?
4. Which rocks and shells work best?
5. Around how many pairs of fish could i keep in there?
6. I like: Neolamprologus brichardi, N. Brevis, N. Leleupi, Julidochromis species, Altolamprologus species and Tanganikan spiny eel (Aethiomastecembelus ellipsifer)
What fish of the above could i keep in there together?
7. What order should i add them? or doesn't it matter?
1. How do i make the water suitable for them?
What is your water like without adjustment? (PH, KH, GH)

2. What substrate do i need?
Any that you like, but the Tangs that would do well in that tank would really appreciate sand.

3. Does it matter what kind of rocks and shells(for shell dwellers) i use?
Not really, I typically go with Apple snail or Escargo. You can also order authentic neothauma shells over the internet - the ones they actually use in the wild.

4. Which rocks and shells work best?
See (3)

5. Around how many pairs of fish could i keep in there?
You can keep two pairs, or a pair and a trio.

6. I like: Neolamprologus brichardi, N. Brevis, N. Leleupi, Julidochromis species, Altolamprologus species and Tanganikan spiny eel (Aethiomastecembelus ellipsifer)
What fish of the above could i keep in there together?
Neolamprologus are too big and aggessive. The Eel is too big and like to eat small fish. You can do a pair of Brevis along with a pair of Leleupi OR a pair of Julidochromis (not marlieri, too big and aggressive) OR a pair of Altolamprolgus. In my experience Leleupi are least likely to mind their own business and most likely to interfere with the Brevis.

7. What order should i add them? or doesn't it matter?
I would add them at the same time and let them grow up together if you can. You will need to purchase extra's anyway to achieve a pair of each. You can start off with, for example, 4 of each to end up with two strong pairs. Fishless cycle is the way to go, Tanganyikans can be quite intolerant of toxin levels.

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