Tang Vs Malawi


Fish Fanatic
Aug 3, 2008
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with my recent purchase 6x2x2 i plan on either malawi or tang so whats better and why, i am planning on trying to breed so what are the essential things ill need to know like which breeds, how many, what size fry tanks, ive got a spare 150liter is that to big? fast growing is great any advice please feel free to educate. thanks a lot

p.s id also like it to be a bit of a display tank but ive read things about rocks being to heavy and breaking the tank,. id really like to use large rocks any advice thanks heaps cheers
hi mate i can't say either way but i personally prefer malawis for their obvious beauty.

I've got about 30kgs of rock in my 3ft and as long as you sit it right on the bottom of the tank and then pour the sand/gravel on after, you'll be right. this stops the (non stop) digging of the cichlids from disturbing the foundation of your rocks causing it to collapse and split a side or something.

one better is to get some "egg crate"


and lay it down before you put anything in, stack the rocks up and then go nuts on substrate. the egg crate distributes the weight of the rock over a bigger surface area so the whole 50kgs of rock doesnt put pressure on 5mm squared of glass.
Its quite a hard choice really... personally, for Malawi it would be Mbuna.. or for Tanganyika it would Tropheus :hyper:

150litre would be a great 'grow out' tank.. you might want something a little smaller though for fry... Some articles you may be interested in HERE :good:

Yea, i use egg crate too.. not sure its really needed with the glass being tempered/toughened, but it gives peice of mind.

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