Tang Possibly Has Ich?


New Member
Oct 4, 2006
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My Yellow Tang seems to be showing symptoms of Ich. It "flashes" and seems to scratch against the rock throughout the course of a day and has been doing this for around two weeks. The only weird thing is that I have not been able to find "white spots" anywhere on the fish, so I have been skeptical as to whether I should treat him for the disease. This may be unrelated but the tang does seem to have some discoloration around its gills and at the top of his head close to his eyes.

What should I do?

If you can't find any spots, perhaps the Tang is simply stratching an occasional itch.

Neon Gobies (Elactinus or Gobiosoma oceanops) are supposed to be very effiecient at removing parasites. I have yet to get one myself, but plan to soon.

What size is the tank, and what are your other statistics? It could make a difference, and it's good to know when trying to make a diagnosis. :good:


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