Sea Turtle
Fish Crazy
Hi everyone,
Sorry I haven't been on the forum lately. I have been very busy at work.
I came home today and my pumps were all off. I couldn't figure out why because all the power was working fine. Well, I opened them up and they were all caked with a tan cement all over everything. It seized the pumps right up. I had to chizle it off with a hammer and screwdriver. What is it? I have noticed that it is all over everything else.
Sorry I haven't been on the forum lately. I have been very busy at work.
I came home today and my pumps were all off. I couldn't figure out why because all the power was working fine. Well, I opened them up and they were all caked with a tan cement all over everything. It seized the pumps right up. I had to chizle it off with a hammer and screwdriver. What is it? I have noticed that it is all over everything else.