Fish Crazy
The pleco I took in from my mom's too-small-tank is thriving. It has also gotten so tame. It doesn't swim away and hide anymore when we come in the room. In fact, when I open the lid to feed, it is right there sailing around trying to position itself to suck in food.
My husband can get it to sucker climb up the side as he holds a blood worm under his finger against the glass and it will take the food. It won't do it for me, but while I was out of town for 10 days, he messed with it a lot and got it to trust him. Very cute. So far, it has come up below my finger when I tried, but won't come in contact.
It is way bigger than my mom's remaining pleco for some reason. Not sure if it is the bigger tank, cleaner water, or fresh food instead of dried?
Anyone else have a tame pleco they can tell stories about? They are quite endearing fish. Originally I wanted a bristlenose, but don't regret taking this one.
My husband can get it to sucker climb up the side as he holds a blood worm under his finger against the glass and it will take the food. It won't do it for me, but while I was out of town for 10 days, he messed with it a lot and got it to trust him. Very cute. So far, it has come up below my finger when I tried, but won't come in contact.
It is way bigger than my mom's remaining pleco for some reason. Not sure if it is the bigger tank, cleaner water, or fresh food instead of dried?
Anyone else have a tame pleco they can tell stories about? They are quite endearing fish. Originally I wanted a bristlenose, but don't regret taking this one.