Tame fish


New Member
May 4, 2004
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Another question - sorry!

The fish (platys/ guppies) that I've had for about 3/4 wks are already really 'tame' - i.e. whenever I put my hand in the tank they swim through them, or try to 'eat' my fingers. It can be a bit of a pain when I try and clean algae off as they get in the way!!

Is this pretty much as expected and what most people's fish are like?


Yup. Pretty normal behaviour specially if you have your hands in the tank fairly often. They get used to it and consider it normal so they are relaxed and treat you as another possible food source or ornament. :)
Yeah feels kinda funny hey, ticklish almost. :lol: But your right it can be a pain when fiddling with things as they can get in the way. :crazy:
:hyper: My fish to the exact same thing! The guppies, platies and mollies nibble at my fingers and if I cup my hand in the water they just swim through. Whenever I put a container in the tank they all just swim into it and it makes them so easy to catch. If I approach the tank, they all swarm together and are like begging for attention! If I move to the side of that tank, they all follow after me as fast as their little fins could take them. Fish are so funny! :fish:
my community tank fish are like that, but only because they know the hand that feeds them.

My puffers are the biggest pain when maintaining the tank. They are so damn curious, forever in the way of the gravel syphon.
my african cichlids are like that. They are so so curious that is is actually funny. and whenever I am near their tank they all line-up just in case it is feeding time, so they don't miss anything!
My tiger barbs attack me all the time. It's not painful or anything, but it's extremely annoying to have 6 of them all biting your arm when you're trying to clean the tank. It scared the **** out of me the first time it happened.
my molly fry are the biggest culprits. they just won't shove off!!!!! whenever i clean, theyre right there giving me little nibbles. it feels so weird. i can usually give my hand a shake and the adults will find somethign else, but the kids are just little pests that won't give up :lol: try not actually let my puffers get near me when i clean, don't want to experience their little teeth. :p

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