Talking Cat Problems


Fish Crazy
Mar 11, 2007
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Some of you may remember the last talking catfish that was tossed to me, the poor tail-less half dead fishie didn't last long so I never had to wonder what I could keep them with, however someone has given me another one, which I am trying to find a home for, but if I can't find a home for him, or if I have something he can live with, he can stay.

So really, what can I keep him with?

The Fish: (there is only one, the tank he is in is mirrored)

Look at me! So cute!


Dude... mirrored... put the fricken camera away and give me my boat house back!

EDIT: I should clairify! I also keep Bettas, Synodontis, plecos, pacu, clown loaches, snails, corys, endlers, platties, guppies, giant danios, hillstream loaches, an oscar and a bichir. Would he be ok with any of those?
Should be fine with all but the smallest fish (guppies endlers platties) which could be eaten. What kind of snails are they? Doradids are snail eaters in the wild but are unlikely to touch large snails like apple snails.
Should be fine with all but the smallest fish (guppies endlers platties) which could be eaten. What kind of snails are they? Doradids are snail eaters in the wild but are unlikely to touch large snails like apple snails.
While some doradids are reported to be snail eaters in the wild (I seem to remember the Megalodrus uranoscopus iw known as mother of snails catfish after being found with a large number of snail shells in the gut) my experience is somewhat different.

My 3 foot tank has 8 doradids ranging in size from 3" to 7". As well as 2 Apple snails (each about the size of a golf ball) they are currently sharing with somewhere in the region of 200 Malayan trumpet snails. So I wouldn't be too worried about putting them with snails.
Should be fine with all but the smallest fish (guppies endlers platties) which could be eaten. What kind of snails are they? Doradids are snail eaters in the wild but are unlikely to touch large snails like apple snails.

Most of my snails are apple snails, I also have the icky pond snails, which I would love for him to eat lol!

While some doradids are reported to be snail eaters in the wild (I seem to remember the Megalodrus uranoscopus iw known as mother of snails catfish after being found with a large number of snail shells in the gut) my experience is somewhat different.

My 3 foot tank has 8 doradids ranging in size from 3" to 7". As well as 2 Apple snails (each about the size of a golf ball) they are currently sharing with somewhere in the region of 200 Malayan trumpet snails. So I wouldn't be too worried about putting them with snails.

Wow, how big is he going to get? Will watch him with the snails, though I mostly keep the snails with my smaller fish, so he probably won't see any of the good snails :)

Thanks guys!
Platydoras costatus get to a maximum of around 10". However, theswe tfish are some of the slowest growing fish there are. A rough guess at the age of our largest one gives an age over 5 years and probably closer to 10.
Platydoras costatus get to a maximum of around 10". However, theswe tfish are some of the slowest growing fish there are. A rough guess at the age of our largest one gives an age over 5 years and probably closer to 10.

Ah, no worries for a while then. Hopefully he will get on with the bichir and clowns when he is full grown and go in the big tank.
mine has doulbed in size over the last 6 months, IMO fast growers must be about 4" now

mine lives in a cave with 3 clown loaches

yep and eats all the little snails, but never attacks my red claw crab

my tank is always snail free
worth a go then :p I popped some snails in his tank that I found last night in one of my other tanks to see if he'd have them lol.

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