Fish Crazy
ok so i usually feed once a day with flakes and then again at night with freeze-dried brine shrimp, only i just ran out of brine shrimp and my bala shark wont eat flakes. the only other thing i could get was bloodworm, also freeze-dried, so i tried that and none of them would eat it. after a couple of days i tried it again (Jaws, my bala was getting a bit restless and thin by now and i was worried) so i decided not to feed at all during the day and left them with a choice of bloodworm or nothing. they all rushed to the surface immidiatly and wolfed down the lot, before the bala had a chance!! so i added another pinch, this time the bala shot to the surface and was making funny clicking sounds as it ate (kinda like the creature in the predator movies) its eating loads of them now with no problem but he/she keeps on with this sound, is this normal or is something funny goin on?