Taking The Micky!

I'm not really up on my currency conversion but the price seems really steep...for that price, they'd have to poo gold.
for that price id go first class to south america get a liecence and catch my own :lol:
if it dead take a photo and he will refund or replace :hey: take a pic of the plec in the bag and say its dead,how the hell would he know any different,get ya monies back or another1

oh i dint se the bit bout cutting its tail off :crazy: anyhow if i paid 2grand for a fish id want it in one peace dead or alive :lol:
Kinda makes sense if you think about it. If the tail's cut off you can be sure its dead.

$4,000 for 5 plecos seems a tad insane though.
Wild caught stock, so possibly are worth what he's asking for them. Wild L46 are very rare ATM I do believe. The refund policy makes sence, though it is a bit grusome :/

All the best

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