Taking Sun Coral Out


I'm trying really hard to act normal
Feb 28, 2003
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I've gotten tired of defending my sun coral during feeding time from all of my shrimp. I'd like to just take out the rock it's on, and feed it in a seperate bucket, then replace it. I'm trying to make a "cover" out of a plastic bottle for in the tank, but it's not working out quite right. Anyway, does the moving of the coral put added stress on it? Do I have to be careful about exposing the sun coral to air?
Nah, not really. Sun corals can be exposed to air if you need to remove it, no big deal. Don't leave it on your carpet for an hour but taking it out to transfer containers is fine
Yeah I've spent the last few weeks nursing a sick sun coral I rescued from the LFS. I fed it in a seperate bowl until it started to open enough to feed it in the tank. My healthy one is open within a few minutes of moving it on the occasions I've had to move it. My cleaner shrimp also steals the corals food and I found that jusy flicking it away didn't work. Now when I feed the sun corals I also hand feed the shrimp at the same time. He doesn't steal at all then :good: Every time he looks interested I give him a taste, maybe that will work for you too
Sun corals are fun and spectacularly beautiful for the first few weeks you have them. They progressively become a PITA. Once the crabs, fish and snails know there is food around, they will pick at those babies to get at the food. Pulling it out is fine. I would still minimize exposure to air. I hope you have the patience to do this. I certainly didn't. SH
so if i get this right after the polyp has caught some food and closed around it the "critters are nicking the food back out of the closed polyp?

i`m only asking as the MRs and i were looking at getting one wek knew they were nocturnal feeders like the pink bush but that opens when we add cyclopees to the tank so we were hoping if we got a sunflower coral that would do the same?
My emeralds and hermits would run for the food and...yes...some would try and insert their claws into the corals stoma, or, pull it out of the tentacles. SH
I've just bought a sun coral today :):) i will get some photos up when it opens.

How easy is it to frag sun corals?
I do a lot of my cleaning and moving with chop sticks...after feeding my corals a lot of times I have to actually pick up my cleaner shrimp with the chop sticks and fling him over to a special mysis pile I make for him :p
put a 2 liter bottle with the bottom cut off over the sun coral so no other creatures can get into it, and through the cap pour the food in.

Its hard enough feeding my brain coral without 2 cleaner shrimps having kamikazee runs towards it for food while im fighting them off with little pipitte water squirts.... hate to know what it would be like with a coral that needs constant feeding....
through my work, i helped work on a clients tank the other day, and the tank, 29gallon, was filled with about 15 sun plolyps, thats the only coral he had. i must say it was pretty cool looking and definately different. but he does still individual feeding taking each one out into a tuberware bowl and feeding it, then replacing it for another. seems to be working cuz the sun polyps are fully opened during midday, so cant say its not working

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