Taking Care Of Mosquito Larvae?


New Member
Jul 30, 2009
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Manila, Philippines

Hi i am a newbie in your wonderful forum and inexperienced freshwater fish lover :)

I put a tray with water inside my room (yeah I'm inviting mosquitoes to enter my room :lol: ) so that mosquitoes will lay their eggs there. few days later, there are tiny larvae wobbling up and down the tray, when they are very visible to my eyes i transfer them (using a medicine dropper) into a specimen container with fresh alkaline water inside it and put a very small pinch of bettamin flakes inside, cover, and shake it gently up and down so that the flakes sink. it's amazing to know and watch them eating flakes while they where hanging upside down. 2-3 days they will transform into a pupa. in order to prevent them from becoming a mosquito, i put them in another specimen container and freeze them.

do you think this method of feeding my babies with live food is harmful? coz here in the Philippines i can't find bloodworm or blackworm in any petstore we've got. I read an article here in the net that says bloodworm were actually mosquito larvae? others say it's not. so which is which? :no:

btw, another concern of mine, i also read about pH level should be 7. something depending on how hardy your fish will be. we have a local alkaline water refilling station. they were claiming, that it has the perfect pH. "Natural water with its rich mineral content has a slightly alkaline pH. It supports the average pH7.35 of your body fluids which is necessary for transporting oxygen, regulating metabolism, eliminating acidic waste, and preventing disease." it is written in their water container. (here beside me :lol: ) so when I'm doing my partial water change i do not put water conditioner. before, I'm using purified mineral water. I started doing this 2 weeks ago. Should I go back using purified mineral water?

i have a 1.25" black moor and 1.75" fantail in a 2.5 gallon tank. i now know that the recommended size of fish in a tank should be 1" fish per 1 gallon. so i should place them with at least 20 gallon tank. And i also have a 1.25" betta fish and a 1" albino tiger barb. as soon as i have the 30 gallon tank for my goldfish I'm gonna transfer them in my 2.5 gallon tank. I'm planning to buy another 5 tiger barbs or so and put them into another 20 gallon tank.

since I have started this, I'm gonna share my experience with the betta and TB. knowing that the betta is a territorial fish and the TB is a semi-aggressive type of fish, at the very first 2 weeks that they were together, i saw the tiger barb showing its aggressiveness towards my betta when feeding time. but as time goes by it seems like he learned that there's no harm in sharing food with betta. sometimes i saw the betta chasing the TB but he is no match with the speed. they are together for almost 2 months now in this 1.25 gallon tank. the betta's fin and the TBs were still in good shape. and i see no signs of stress with my TB. And sometimes he is teasing the betta, when my betta is focused on me when I'm near the glass, the TB fin nips the betta from behind and he will run as fast as he could coz he knows he will be chased. and now the betta learned this trick every time i'm near and acting kissing him on the glass, he will look sideways where he has a good view with the TB. I don't know how bad this thing is going on between them but observing their behavior is so funny. and sure there is sign of intelligence with these lovely fishes. especially the betta. he is so affectionate. when i'm near the tank, he goes back and forth in the same spot of the glass where i am. or is it because he was just begging for food? :look: hehehehe..

whew! i encourage you to finish my novel and please do answer my concerns:
1. do you think this method of feeding my babies with live food is harmful?
2. Should I go back using purified mineral water or stay with alkaline water?

i apologize in advance if i misspelled some words or wrong grammars. Thank you. Take care... :good:

Hi i am a newbie in your wonderful forum and inexperienced freshwater fish lover :)

I put a tray with water inside my room (yeah I'm inviting mosquitoes to enter my room :lol: ) so that mosquitoes will lay their eggs there. few days later, there are tiny larvae wobbling up and down the tray, when they are very visible to my eyes i transfer them (using a medicine dropper) into a specimen container with fresh alkaline water inside it and put a very small pinch of bettamin flakes inside, cover, and shake it gently up and down so that the flakes sink. it's amazing to know and watch them eating flakes while they where hanging upside down. 2-3 days they will transform into a pupa. in order to prevent them from becoming a mosquito, i put them in another specimen container and freeze them.

do you think this method of feeding my babies with live food is harmful? coz here in the Philippines i can't find bloodworm or blackworm in any petstore we've got. I read an article here in the net that says bloodworm were actually mosquito larvae? others say it's not. so which is which? :no:

btw, another concern of mine, i also read about pH level should be 7. something depending on how hardy your fish will be. we have a local alkaline water refilling station. they were claiming, that it has the perfect pH. "Natural water with its rich mineral content has a slightly alkaline pH. It supports the average pH7.35 of your body fluids which is necessary for transporting oxygen, regulating metabolism, eliminating acidic waste, and preventing disease." it is written in their water container. (here beside me :lol: ) so when I'm doing my partial water change i do not put water conditioner. before, I'm using purified mineral water. I started doing this 2 weeks ago. Should I go back using purified mineral water?

i have a 1.25" black moor and 1.75" fantail in a 2.5 gallon tank. i know now that the recommended size of fish in a tank should be 1" fish per 1 gallon. so i should place them with at least 20 gallon tank. And i also have a 1.25" betta fish and a 1" albino tiger barb. as soon as i have the 30 gallon tank for my goldfish I'm gonna transfer them in my 2.5 gallon tank. I'm planning to buy another 5 tiger barbs or so and put them into another 20 gallon tank.

since I have started this, I'm gonna share my experience with the betta and TB. knowing that the betta is a territorial fish and the TB is a semi-aggressive type of fish. at the very first 2 weeks that they were together, i saw the tiger barb showing its aggressiveness towards my betta when feeding time. but as time goes by it seems like he learned that there's no harm in sharing food with betta. sometimes i saw the betta chasing the TB but he is no match with the speed. they are together for almost 2 months now in this 1.25 gallon tank. the betta's fin and the TBs were still in good shape. and i see no signs of stress with my TB. And sometimes he is teasing the betta, when my betta is focused on me when I'm near the glass, the TB fin nips the betta from behind and he will run as fast as he could coz he knows he will be chased. and now the betta learned this trick every time i'm near the glass and acting kissing him in glass, he will look sideways where he has a good view with the TB. I don't know how bad this thing is going on between them but observing their behavior is so funny. and sure there is sign of intelligence with these lovely fishes. especially the betta. he is so affectionate. when i'm near the tank, he goes back and forth in the same spot of the glass where i am. or is it because he was just begging for food? :look: hehehehe..

whew! i encourage you to finish my novel and please do answer my concerns:
1. do you think this method of feeding my babies with live food is harmful?
2. Should I go back using purified mineral water or stay with alkaline water?

i apologize in advance if i misspelled some words or wrong grammars. Thank you. Take care... :good:

i forgot to tell you, i feed the frozen pupa every wednesday, and feed them live larva every friday. i give 1 pc. in each of my babies except for the fantail, i think he's too big for 1 pc. i give him 2pcs. and i feed them alternately with common floating pellet available in the fish store and the next day they get high quality of pellet for the goldfishes and bettamin for the betta and TB. is this kind of diet okay?
As for pH, each fish has its own preference, but if your fish have been good, keep on doing what you are doing. However, you still should add dechlorinator. Our tap water here in the us is filtered but it still has chlorine or chloramines. Put the dechlorinator, just in case. I have heard that it is worse to be changing the pH than to leave it stable. That is, fish can acclimate to a pH similar to what it should be. As long as its stable, and close to what the fish likes, you're okay. I hope that doesn't sound confusing.
ok llamalord :flowers: will do.. thanks for your reply. i didn't think of that. it's still safe to put water conditioner. as for the pH, i'd better start to watch out for any changes in pH level, temperature, the ammonia and nitrite level i guess.

i thought fish pets are easy to take care of :S there's this one thread here that says something like "it's not the fish you're taking care of, its the bacteria" i'd better dispose all of my fishes and buy ammonia and i'm going to sell water, filters and gravels with helpful bacterias in it. I'm going to name my shop "BENBAC Fish shop" stands for beneficial bacteria. hmm.. specially for beginners like me or to those people who don't mind spending their money instead of doing the fishless cycle. do you think they would rather choose to buy ready made fish tank with me without all the decorations they want? of course the house and lot that i'm going to sell would only include, the filter, the gravel and the friendly ghosts for their fish? do you think this business will click? :blink:
well i dont think we have lots of dangerous mozzies in our community coz if we do we should get lots of alerts from whoever is responsible of alerting people in our neighbor hehe..

i researched about microworms never heard of that dear: http://www.killi.net/feeding/live/cultured/worms/micro/

sounds like this one is much healthier diet than mozzy larvae and safe for my health as well. .. thank you so much for your helpful reply!! :) TC.. :flowers:

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