Tail Rot...


New Member
Dec 9, 2008
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Somewhere in the U.S.

Today, I bought a medicine for my betta (Fungus and bacteria cure by Simply Betta). I followed its directions and put in 12 drops. When I got back home six hours later, I noticed that his tail rotted even more. It seemed to me like my betta bit his tail from stress or something. Is this supposed to happen? Also is there medicine that will regrow his tail?
To tell you the truth I have never had to treat water for things like fin rot. If we've ever bought a Betta that was looking a little rough, we simply kept the water as top quality as we could and kept it that way after it recovered. The very first and best thing you can do is make sure the water he is in is between 26 and 28'C, preff 28'c and that the fish is in clean, healthy, quality water. Medicating in not so great water completely defeats the point. There are no meds to make the tail grow back/grow back faster. Depending on how healthy he and his water is, it could take forever, it could take a day or two.
To tell you the truth I have never had to treat water for things like fin rot. If we've ever bought a Betta that was looking a little rough, we simply kept the water as top quality as we could and kept it that way after it recovered. The very first and best thing you can do is make sure the water he is in is between 26 and 28'C, preff 28'c and that the fish is in clean, healthy, quality water. Medicating in not so great water completely defeats the point.

I just changed his water today and I used water conditioning. I put medicine in the water and when I put my betta in the tank, he swim around very fast as if he was trying to get away from something unseen. After I put him in the tank for awhile, I noticed that he seemed a bit shocked, and float at the water surface without swimming much. Something looked wrong.
some people have a hard time judging water temp with their hands, even 5 degrees off is enough to shock the betta a little. my husband is a lousy guess at the temp of bathwater and tankwater, he borrows my kitchen meat tester and uses that when he helps out with the baby or the bettas.

also yes bettas can and will chew their tails over the slightest stress, my sister and I have a few betta boys all with the same father....father bit his tail when he was stressed, every single one of his sons will do the same thing.

very clean tank water, a darkened quiet room/tank and some yummy food should help him get over it.

Today, I bought a medicine for my betta (Fungus and bacteria cure by Simply Betta). I followed its directions and put in 12 drops. When I got back home six hours later, I noticed that his tail rotted even more. It seemed to me like my betta bit his tail from stress or something. Is this supposed to happen? Also is there medicine that will regrow his tail?

There's this stuff, it replaces a fish's natural slime coat that protects them from things like fin rot. I can't remember what it's called. Something about a liquid bandage. :blink:


Today, I bought a medicine for my betta (Fungus and bacteria cure by Simply Betta). I followed its directions and put in 12 drops. When I got back home six hours later, I noticed that his tail rotted even more. It seemed to me like my betta bit his tail from stress or something. Is this supposed to happen? Also is there medicine that will regrow his tail?

There's this stuff, it replaces a fish's natural slime coat that protects them from things like fin rot. I can't remember what it's called. Something about a liquid bandage. :blink:

I almost forgot. IT's probably due to poor water conditions. You should put some water conditioner in his water.

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