Tail Rot Q's


Fish Fanatic
Oct 13, 2003
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My betta was fine till recently. I have been noticing that his tail has been looking more shredded every day and today it's really obvious that something’s wrong. I don't know whether he has tail rot or if it's the plastic plant, which he never swims around it or through it, it's the only thing in his section of the tank.

If it is tail rot what kind of medication should I buy?
How long should I use it?
I have two other bettas that share water with him, they look fine, should I give them meds too?
Is it contagious?

I'm going to try and get pics of him and his the tank so every one can see for themselves and get some opinions.
:huh: is his tail whitish from the rot? If not, it's probably his plant, try running it over a pair of panty hose...if it snags it will rip his fins just the same.

Pics would help, sorry I have no advice on meds,I don't use them :/

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