Tail going grey and shredding


Fish Herder
Jul 22, 2004
Reaction score
Grantham, UK
I got Bob about a week ago, he's in a 10 gallon already cycled tank. Yesterday he was fine, and I added 6 juvenile khuli loaches to his tank. They immediately disappeared behind the filter and seemed to have stayed there. This morning I noticed that the outer edges of his tail (about 3mm) are grey/white and look kinda shredded. Could this be the loaches?? Or is it fin rot? What should I do? He has live plants and no ornaments, so he's not catching his tail on anything. He has 0.1% salt and a tiny bit of Melafix in his tank already.

Would appreciate any advice.

did it happen as soon as the loaches went in?Have you seen them nipping him.If it happened suddenly it was proberbly nippping
i wouldnt of thought its the loaches nipping him all my loaches are peaceful in my community tank. its probly fin rot from wat other people have said when they get it but i wouldnt know how to treat it sorry. :D
I'd have to say it's probably from stress from the new tank buddies.
It seems like when something drastic changes w/a bettas surroundings they don't do very well with it.
I'd consider getting him his own little tank. (maybe).
i wouldnt of thought fin rot could hppen that fast though,bettas hate changes to their surroundings so it proberbly was that my bettas tail went grey and he died soon after because i put him in with platys..BIG MISTAKE!
One thing to note, also, is that if they are stressed about their environment, they will eat off their own tails also.

Keep an eye out for that, too!
Thanks for the advice - I found a thread on here about fin rot, and it's definitely that. The black dots on his dorsal fin that I thought was just pigmentation I've identified as pin prick holes from rot, and the pics of the tail going grey and just rotting away are exactly what's happening to Bob. I'm trying not to stress him but the filter has broken on hs tank and I'm gonna have to put a new one in, which will have a stronger current, so that won't please him either. I can't get another tank for him, the cheapest i can find is £40, which is about $80 I think.

Damn! Should I risk putting him in something like a bucket with no heater and filter and doing daily 100% water changes, or is it best to leave him in the 10G with the kuhlis and the filter current and do 50% water changes every 2 or 3 days? I really don't know what to do here, so any advice would really be appreciated. i have Maracyn 2, should I dose him straight away or put off meds as long as possible?


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