Tail chewing bettas


Fish Addict
Nov 17, 2003
Reaction score
Australia, Wollongong
Will bettas who chew their tails always chew their tails??

also will their tail ever grow back??

i was going to pick up this fish tomorrow (he is breed by Chok Pengdit of SUthasine bettas)

but the guy i was getting him for pm'ed me (on another forum) and said

"Kellie.... I got some terrible news to give you. Your Red/White butterfly boy decided to chew his tail in the last 2 days!!! He's still here and in perfect health, he's just got half his tail missing. It's not fin rot.

I don't know if u want this fish? He is still genetically perfect, just doesn't look as pretty. If you were going to breed him the missing part of the tail would not be a worry. I will do this pair at $55 (half price) because of the damaged tail if you will take it.

Sorry... nothing I could do.


will his tail grow back??
Wait! In my experience in thailand betta, he will not be as pretty as in the picture from now on when he growth up. He did mentioned that his tail been chewing half so if I were you, think twice. If you planning to breed, it is ok because he will not going to look like that anymore. But if you no intention to breed but just want to look pretty, forget it.
I will not getting a betta that will chew on his tail. Something is not right. Sorry guys. :D
Since he know how to chew it's own tail, he will do that again for sure.
yeeviabetta said:
Wait! In my experience in thailand betta, he will not be as pretty as in the picture from now on when he growth up.
i've gotten quite a few pairs from him before.
same breeder and different and they are always just as nice if not nicer than the pics!

Since he know how to chew it's own tail, he will do that again for sure.
thats exactly what i was thinking
I mean the betta will be not going to look like in the picture after he growing back his tail that been bite off. I do have chok's bettas and they are very pretty.
:blink: Well I have had several tail biters in the past. My main guy is a beauty but just won't let his tail grow to any length. Once it starts to grow back and begins to look nice he manages to tear it to pieces again. I have tried everything. The longest he goes without touching it will be about 2 weeks. I think once they've started that it's hard to get them to stop.


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;) He seems to be happy. Builds bubble nests, but just won't let the tail grow past a certain length. This photo shows the length just before he starts in with his trimming campaign.


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A lot of bettas will chew their tails when they are stressed or hungry like in shipping, others just seem to do it for no reason. The tail will definately grow back though and I don't see any reason not to get the fish :)
Read what Kev had said.
"Kellie.... I got some terrible news to give you. Your Red/White butterfly boy decided to chew his tail in the last 2 days!!! He's still here and in perfect health, he's just got half his tail missing. It's not fin rot. "

The betta chew his tail in the last 2 days. Not because in the shipping. Beside the fish got half his tail missing. I will not suggesting him or her to buy it.

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