Tail biter?


Fish Aficionado
Apr 16, 2020
Reaction score
Bristol, UK
For the past few days I have noticed tears in his beatiful tail, but I really don't understand the cause for him to tear his awesome tail... I have rescaped his tank few times so that's not the cause neither is boredom as whatever I put near his tank he will flare at it.

What could be the cause?

No way of knowing, without watching his behavior.

Is there sharp or pointy gravel in the tank? Daily water changes will heal his fins faster than you know. :)
No way of knowing, without watching his behavior.

Is there sharp or pointy gravel in the tank? Daily water changes will heal his fins faster than you know. :)
Nothing sharp in his tank. I'm sure he bites his tail, it does not look like its a tear.
Could be abit of fin rot, but I could be way off to as I have never experienced it. (Touch wood) @Colin_T will be able to help you hun
All his fins are clamped and it looks like the dorsal and left pectoral fin have white on them. The fish also appears to have a bit of excess mucous over its body.

This could be from something in the water irritating the fish, or a fungal infection.

Have you checked the water quality for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate?

Wipe the inside of the glass down.
Do a big water change and gravel clean the substrate.
Clean the filter if it hasn't been done in the last 2 weeks.

Add 1-2 heaped tablespoons of salt for every 20 litres of water. Keep salt in there for 2 weeks.
His fins aren't clamped. No excess mucous. Ammonia and nitrite are 0ppm. Nitrates are kept low, below 20ppm. I don't have salt.
I will clean his filter today and do a water change and vacuum his substrate.
Maybe invest in some aquarium salt too, it’s cheap and honestly I swear by it. Before Colin advised me a while ago to use it on one of my blue eyes who was quite sick (not sure of the reason) I was not a fan of salt in aquariums at all. I saw improvements in the little guy within 24 hours and he is still kicking strong today with his group. It’s the best and most natural medicine
There's nothing wrong with him, he's just tail biting which I'm sure of and I just don't know why he's doing that.. :/ I mean I did rescape his tank and moved things around to keep things intersting.
If he is biting his tail there is obviously something irritating the little guy. Have you seen him biting his tail?
If he is biting his tail there is obviously something irritating the little guy. Have you seen him biting his tail?
No, usually its not something to witness. Like in my case. Do you know how start of finrot looks like? Its similar but there are tears there and there is another tear to the first tear and so on. I did actually see him once chase his tail. It was cute but a terrible idea :lol:
From what I have seen it look similar but like I said don’t quote me on it as I have never experienced it and only seen pictures on here. Colin would have a better idea and understanding of what to look for. I think go with what Colin has advised and see how you go hun

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