Tail & Anal Fin, connected??????

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Mar 4, 2005
Reaction score
New Hampshire
This new Betta I got tonight is just filling my head with all sorts of new questions.

I've now noticed that his Anal fin and his Tail are connected at the base of his body. I don't have a picture at the moment, he's stressed enough he doesn't need a flash in his face. But I've never seen anything like this before, anyone else?
sometimes if they have big fins it may seem like the 2 fins are connected but they really arnt. get ur fish to flare and send us a pic, if ur fish's fins are the way you say they are im very curious to check him out, is he a veil tail?
GuppyDude said:
sometimes if they have big fins it may seem like the 2 fins are connected but they really arnt. get ur fish to flare and send us a pic, if ur fish's fins are the way you say they are im very curious to check him out, is he a veil tail?
I wanna see too. I've heard of the fused fin that infant mentioned, but I've never seen it. Get that boy to flarin'!
I had a veiltail whose caudal and anal fins were fused, but just barely... I've heard of fish whose caudal fins are completely fused with both the dorsal and anal fins, but I've never actually seen it :blink:
He looks like a Veil Cross with something else, no clue... He's a strange looking guy. His tail isn't like anything I've seen, and he almost has spots to his coloring??

Here's a picture, what do you guys think?


P.S. I named him Fuse. ! :wub:
That's exactly the way the fins of the fish I had looked! Weird
does it make swiiming harder for him? I have never seen anything like that before!
wow thats amazeing :eek: i cnat find much on them on the internet, but articles say they are very rare, u are lucky to have found a fish like that :D
Kara101584 said:
He looks like a Veil Cross with something else, no clue... He's a strange looking guy. His tail isn't like anything I've seen, and he almost has spots to his coloring??
is having spots unusual? my girlfriends new crowntail betta is blue with red fin tips, and has a black spotted pattern over his dorsal fin

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