Tahtia Galaxia?


Fish Crazy
May 4, 2004
Reaction score
Halifax, West Yorkshire
They've just got some in my lfs.

They are the same sort of thing as pictus but smaller and more colourful. I'm really thinking of getting a couple but would like any info as I've not seen them b4.
thats not the real name or they are REALLy REALLY rare because there is no picture of them
I believe you are reffering to Tatia Galaxias. The common name is 'Milkyway Woodcat'.

edit: They grow to about 4 inches and like soft-ish acidic water as they are neotropical fish and that's about all I know about them :dunno: .
Yeah, I found a listing on Planet Catfish, but that was all that coul tell me, nothing about temperment or behavior.

Does any know anything more please? :dunno:
they are not more colorful than pictus's. They are like black and brown.
Have you tried doing a google search? They have another common name too but I can't remember exactly what :p It is wood something.

Temperament-wise, I've only ever seen them in a species tank at an LFS so I don't realy know much but they seemed pretty peaceful and I would think that their small size makes them safe for a community. They would be omnivorous I suppose - due to the short-ish barbels. So I guess they'd be good scavengers, possibly nocturnal or at least most active at night. I don't know whether they'd be territorial or social with their own kind but they seemed ok in the over-stocked LFS tank.
Tatia species are very shy nocturnal catfish that will spend daylight hours well hidden in rocks or bogwood. They are carnivorous and will eat very small fish and shrimps but are safe with anything over a inch long. Feed them on small catfish pellets and frozen bloodworms.
Thanks CFC, I new you'd have heard of them, do you think they would be terriotorial with L no.s? And Dwarf Neon Rainbows should be big enough not to eat right?
They will be fine with L numbers and dwarf rainbows, the only fish in danger of being eaten are young guppies and tetras. just make sure there are pleanty of hiding spaces for all the plecs and the Tatia so no one feels left out
th ecommon name is common wood cat i think. I looked it up on Planet catfish but only took a brief look.
Yes it is part of the woodcat group. The common name is Milky way woodcat.

It will get to about 100mm (4") in body length.

They are shy and nocturnal and will not harm your plecs.

They will happily feed/eat small pieces of prepared prawn and go mad for bloodworm.

They have nice markings and can easily be sexed by their anal fin as it has a copulatory organ. A bit like a gonopodium in a livebearer.

They come from South America and like temperatures to be somewhere between 22-26 Deg. C

If you want one that doesnt get as big with better colour try taking a look at Tatia Perugiae. I have had both varieties in the past.

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