Tahitian Moon Sand & Corys


Fish Addict
Jan 4, 2005
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Queens, NY
I'm seriously considering switching my blue gravel to black Tahitian Moon sand. Does anyone with corys have that in their tank as substrate? Any good or bad experiences? My corys are my favorite fish and I want to do my research before making such a big change for them. The other fish might not even notice the change but my corys definitely will be affected. Looking forward to your experiences.
I have cories and the black moon sand, but not in the same tanks so I don't know if it would be harmful to them. I've heard, only once, that the sand is too sharp for them but no one else has ever said they had problems with cories in black moon sand so I'm thinking it might have been a one-off occurrence and may not have been the sand itself.
I had some cories in that kind of sand and they did great, they enjoyed stirring it up and looking for food in it.
I used Black Tahitian Moon Sand in a 40 usg for awhile. My cories were fine with it. I'm sure they liked the change to sand from flourite. It all eventually got mixed together with the Eco Complete Planted Aquarium Substrate in the 100 usg when I set that up. I put spectra stone in the 40 for the goldies.

Straight sand has some issues. It compacts. I assume the moon sand does too.

When it compacts it traps toxic gases that must be released by stirring the sand. Some use snails for this and Malaysian Trumpets esp.

Of course the other is that sand is light and stirs up easily and floats around.

I have planted tanks. I hate to wash sand. I will often NOT set up a tank because I hate it so.

I use Spectra Stone in unplanted tanks. It only is rinsed/no heavy silt.

So I now use in a planted tank a mix of First Layerite (small amount so easy to rinse), Eco-Complete Planted Tank (not to be confused with Eco-Complete Cichlid), and commercial grade 30 grit Quickrete, a medium weight builder's sand that has been steralized. I don't even wash it.

This mix is satisfactory for light planting. I use Trumpets and plant food.

The big tank has a dark rich dirt-like substrate, with red flourite like bits. The moon sand has mostly fallen to the bottom. The cories, clown loaches, otos, BN are quite happy with it. No one has barbell issues. :D

Your cories will like the moon sand as long as you keep it clean. Of course THE corey lady is Inchworm.
The kind of sand makes all the difference though. I have pool sand in 3 of my tanks and it never clouds or floats. It's a pretty heavy grain and my cories all have long whiskery barbels so it's definitely not a problem for them. The black sand is in an uninhabited tank at the moment but when I add water, I notice it clouds but only a few grains and it quickly sinks. So unless you have a fish equipped with a shovel, I don't think it will be a problem. Also, so long as the sand is under 1.5" deep, it won't compact and cause those gases to build up.
Yeah, Teelie, that's my experience too w/the black sand. It is a lighter weight than I use now. It cost quite a bit for having mixed it in w/ other high quality substrates. I tended to lose quite a bit in syphoning for that reason. I'm sure the cories will like it. Cories in general like sand, although I think I saw a post by Inchworm that mentioned a negative regarding fine grain sand and cories. I'll check in a few. :p

The sand I use is 30 Grit. There is a heavier one in building but I would have had to go to a specialty commercial supply.

30 grit is about as heavy as is in Home Depot, Etc. I don't know the Grit used in pool sand. Mine I am pleased to say doesn't f;oat or cloud. A heavier weight--probably 40 Grit--was recommended, but unavailable. The supply guy said this should do it, and it has worked great. I don't think it was even $5 for 50 pounds. :D
I have 6 juvie Pandas in a tank with Tahitian Moon and all 6 have perfect barbels. They've been in the tank for almost 2 monthes. :thumbs:
Hi ravekiss :)

I don't recall anyone posting about having problems with corys and the Tahitian Moon sand. Unless it has sharp edges it will be fine. And the corys do seem to appreciate sand over large gravel.

You might want to try rubbing a bit of it between your fingers and looking at it closely, perhaps with a magnifying glass. This should give you a good idea of its safety for them. Play sand, which is intended for use by toddlers with very delicate skin, is soft to the touch and this is why it works so well for corys. Anything similar would work out as well.

It's sharp sand that should be avoided. I've always heard that products called Builder's Sand and Builder's Gravel should be avoided for this reason but, as it turns out, I've used #3 Builder's Gravel for years before I realized it. And that stuff is not sharp. Of course, I always bought it at the lfs and it's possible that they only carried brands that are safe for fish. :dunno:

Like any other kind of sand you should not have it more than an inch deep to avoid gas developing in it.

Your tank will look spectacular with the beautiful black sand! :thumbs:

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