Tablet type CO2 units.


New Member
Feb 14, 2004
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Have seen a cheap CO2 kit at the LFS. It is a tablet type unit. It suckers onto the side of the tank, and you drop in a tablet a day or something. Its bothers me that it says on the instructions that you can overdose the tank with CO2, I guess because you can't reduce the dose once you have dropped in the tablet. After all, there is'nt a tap on it! :crazy: Has anyone else used this system, and did they have any problems with it? It is a very cheap system, as it costs less than a third of a budget canister system. I nearly bought it, but just thought I'd ask around first.. :rolleyes: I don't want dead babies :sad: Thanking you muchly again...

Have just read AmberC's post, :*) better late than never, but it still does'nt answer my question.
Mugwuch if you want a cheep way to do CO2 get one of these Hagen CO2 maker. The whole system costs about $22.00 american and once you've used the yeast and stabelizer that comes with the kit you can make your own. You won't have to make the reactor or anything yourself. I have 2 of these on my tanks and couldn't be happier. I know there are others out there who have them as well and love theirs as well.

It is possible to overdose CO2, and harm your fish.

Most people will say a CO2 concentration of 20 ppm is "optimal" for plants, and may think that anything over 30ppm (some say 25 ppm) is getting into the "danger zone" for fish.

So, how do you measure CO2 level? Easy, just use the following equation:

CO2 (in ppm) = 3*KH (in degrees)* 10^(7.00-pH)

Ok, maybe not so easy. :)

You can also use the chart near the bottom of this page.

You will need to know your pH and KH levels, though.

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