T5 Tubes Or Led's?


Fish Fanatic
Nov 29, 2011
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I have a 1020x470x610 200 litre quite heavily planted tropical tank

It is lit by 3xT5 39w tubes built in the hood

I have been looking at LED lit tanks and wondered if the lighting is more beneficial than my T5 fluorescent tube set up?

If LED's would be better, what hardware would i need and where would i purchase the items?

Any advice will be gratefully appreciated

LED's all the way, be no point telling you where I get mine as I have an account with them.
Yea LEDs are the future for lighting now, Steveo makes some great sets. Could always ask him to build you a unit :p
Money is a little tight..

Once I work out what I need I can price up all the items and purchase them a but at a time.

Then I can build the unit.
Money is a little tight..

Once I work out what I need I can price up all the items and purchase them a but at a time.

Then I can build the unit.

I wish you goodluck, LED units are not cheap or easy to build unless your going without plants :3
I'm not sure about your resources, but I understand budget (i.e. cash/debit only). I use a Marineland 24-Inch to 36-Inch Aquatic Plant LED Light with Timer (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0085TVE76/ref=oh_details_o02_s00_i00) on my 40g Uniquarium (http://www.advanceaquatanks.com/uniqrectangle.html). You can see my tank at http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00494NBEA/ref=wms_ohs_product, the m.ross video review. At that time. an LED plant lamp wasn't available. I burned up several dozen plants with the 10k reef LED before breaking down and buying the plant version. The plant version duplicates nature out-of-the-box - all you have to do is set the local time.

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