T5 Lights And Glass Lid

Lady J

Fish Crazy
Jul 14, 2012
Reaction score
Hi all. Currently my 36"w. tank is open on the top but I am considering getting a glass lid to reduce the chance of fish jumping to their death. The t5 light has (2) lamps, 78w. total. The light also has a splash guard (of course). My question is how much light will be diffused because of the glass lid and how will that affect the type of plants I can have. Currently there are 2 anubias, one sword, and one that unfortunately I cannot remember the name :( So, what's going to happen if I add a glass lid? Is this a bad idea? Please advise.
Sorry it took me so long to respond as I forgot I posted this question. :fun: Glass deflects approximately 50% of the light which imho is a lot.

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