T5 Lighting


Fish Crazy
Aug 22, 2003
Reaction score
Birmingham UK
:D 378watt

Have ordered 7 X T5 46inch tubes with ballest and reflectors to match. They will be delivered a week monday.

Will keep you posted on the project.

I was looking at a hanging pendent from arcadia 3 X 150 MH. They are the best lights I have come across but it would have set me back over £650.00.

And they do look really cool – It was a hard decision not to opted for the MH cost played a big part – but then I had to take into account my tank is in the main living room and I didn’t want a large powerfully light hanging just about the tank and secondly I do keep fish I am sure 450watt would have been uncomfortable for them – I only wanted to upgrade the wattage – I have been having some problems with plant growth and have ruled out most things apart form WPG which I now know for my tank is below 1.9watt per gallon. This solution allowed me to either purchase in stages to help spread the cost or a one off payment of £300

The only down side to t5 is the number of tubes available but I understand after talking to arcadia that there new plant pro t5 is a mixture of the freshwater t8 and tropical t8 tube they sell- so I am going to try 6 of them and 1 bright white t5
Job done

I have completed the upgrade of my lighting, now I have 378watts. I have also added a C02 reactor and bottle.

I have uploaded the project images to my web

My Webpage

Hello OB,

I am not far from you, I partially ugraded my 100gals last year with T5s. Seems like you have done it now, but i had a nighmare with Companies not packing the tubes properly...had two deliveries with broken tubes. iended up busing it myself all the way to Erdington Aquatics and getting them myself :(

Luckily i can drive now hehe.
Hi Sanj

How is your tank now? did you have any problems with alge? also did you upgrade because if the depth of your tank?


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