T5 Ho Questions


Fish Addict
May 31, 2010
Reaction score
Hi looking at upgrading the lighting on my tanks dose anyone have this and what do you think of them?

also what is the length of a 24W and 39W T5 HO lights?

I tried clicking on the link but it loaded an empty page. The 24w t5ho is a 30". I've got one on my 20g long but it was too much light until I got my pressurized co2. Now though it is perfect, it's 2x24w t5ho and in the past couple days have noticed some decent growth. I would recommend it but only if you have some sort of dosing regiment. More light = more nutrients the plants need and if you don't give it to them you will have some serious algae on your hands.
Thank the link is working for me but its a ''Glo T5 Electronic Double Ballast''. i am going to upgrade the nutrients and CO2 soon as well but just doing research at the min. i was thinking my 90L first but then my 60L.
Get your co2 and dosing sorted out and make sure you have all the equipment before switching it out IMO. It's better to have it all and make minor adjustments then only having the lights and end up getting algae or melted plants. This is just by personal experience though and may not happen to you if you upgrade the light.

About the 24w, i'm not sure how long the bulbs are, I was saying 30" because my fixture itself is 30" since it fits over my 20g long tank. I would say the reflector fittings and the tubes would maybe be ~26" since there is a little bit of space on each side.

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