T5 for freshwater use?


New Member
Mar 11, 2004
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Gloucester, UK
I know these T5 lights are primarily for use in marine aquariums, but does anyone know if they're ok for use in tropical freshwater aquariums too? I've heard they're very good!
I use compact T5s on two of my three freshwater tanks. They are mainly used on marine tanks, especially reef tanks, as these tend to require more light. They are absolutely fine on FW although some fish that prefer lower light levels might find them a bit bright. Plants grow really well especially if you select the correct tubes mix.

Cheers, Eddie
I use the stright T5's for freshwater. There are Freshwater specific T5's i.e Osram Lumilux 860, Aqua flora, Biolight.

You could also use the the Arcadia Marine white, whic although 9,500k is usable by freshwater plants, the spectrum seems to cover red and blue, just much stronger in the blue.

The ASL Compact T5s that I use give the following temps & details for their FW tubes:

Freshwater Tropical : White 7100k + Pink 8000k
Replicates natural daylight conditions enhancing the natural colours of fish and plants. High output tubes ideal for the illumination of all freshwater aquaria.

Freshwater Plant : Pink 8000k + Blue 12000k
Provides red and blue wavelengths encouraging photosynthesis and chlorophyll production resulting in healthy lush plant growth. Optimum results are obtained when used in conjunction with ASL Freshwater Tropical or Daylight White tubes.

Freshwater Colour : Pink 8000k
Enhances the natural colours of tropical fish such as Neon Tetras, Cardinal Tetras, Platies, Guppies, and most other community fish. Optimum results are obtained when used in conjunction with ASL Freshwater Tropical or Daylight White tubes.

HTH, Eddie

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