T Bar Cichlids

not the writer of this information:

Sajica (T-bar cichlid)

Scientific name(s): Archocentrus (was Cichlasoma) sajica

Max size: males 22 cm, females 17 cm

Temperament: Peaceful but territorial fish
Suggested for: Community tanks with medium to large sized community fish, but avoid small and fancy-finned species (other large community fish), most cichlid tanks

Water quality: pH around neutral, soft to fairly hard water.
Temperature: 24 to 28°C

Origin: Central America (other fish from Central & South America)

Comments: Despite their size, T-bar cichlids are relatively placid, although pairs are quite territorial. Males may be aggressive towards one another, or to males of very similar species. Several can be kept in a large enough tank if caves, rocks or ornaments are provided so that separate territories can be claimed

Suggested foods: A good quality tropical flake, granule or pellet supplemented with frozen shrimp & worm foods, beefheart, vegetable-based foods.

Breeding: These cichlids spawn in caves. The female guards the eggs and fry, sometimes in pits dug in the gravel, while the male defends the territory.

Sexing: Males grow larger and have longer, more pointed fins.

Expect to pay: around $6.00 to $8.00
Availability: fair
I have a breeding pair of Sajica (also known as T-Bars), i have found them to be very peaceful and mine are kept with Firemouths & Blue Acaras. I find them lovely fish and wouldnt be without mine. They are relativly easy to sex as shown (they are not the best pics but the only ones i got of this pair at moment)

Male: Purple & Blue flecked fins

Female: More yellow with blueish.black tips to the fins

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