Oh, and some more stuff to know;
a. when the mum hamster gives birth she may do it all over the cage- it may look like a massacre has taken place and the pups may be all over the place but do not clean up the after birth as the mum eats it(discusting i know but nutritional) and she will colect the pups up after she has had a rest(she may stuff them in her check pouches but this is normal so don't be alarmed).
b. When it comes to where you put her cage, put it in a quiet room away from direct sunlight and as far as posible from the male hamsters cage. If you can bear it i would advise you don't vacum hoover the room while she is raising her pups as this may stress her out enough to kill them.
c. Pregnant and mum hamsters eat and drink huge amounts of water and food so make sure these are always topped up and try supplimenting her diet with any high protein foods you can fins that are edible for hamsters; i find mine love canned black eye beans which are high in protein(make sure they are cooked and not canned in brine water).
d. oh, when it comes to nesting material for the female hamster don't be fooled into getting that cotton or "fluff" hamster bedding as the pups can get their limbs caught on the fibres and even strangle themselves; the best bedding is actually toilet paper shredded up.
e. Hamster cage; be warned that baby hamsters can squeeze through hamster caging bars so i would advise you set the females home up in a fish tank with wood shavings before she gives birth.
Ahh...Anyways, i hope this info helps you a bit in your search to have hamster babys and good luck