Synoduntist Cats (Lace CatFish) Info Needed!?!?!?!


Jul 3, 2004
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:crazy: I'm Going CRAZY!! I Just bought a Synoduntist Catfish about 2 weeks

ago and I NEVER see it. I Know it is alive because I see it's tail poke out of the

Tower every so often. I Know they like dark places and the inside of this tower is

Black so that makes sence and I know they are related to the Upside down catfish.

Is there any food source I should be putting in or anything I should be doing for

him? Any Info will be appreated!! ~Scarlett
Synodontis can be stictly nocturnal and will often not venture out in the day time. Try feeding some sinking catfish pellets or frozen foods like Bloodworm before lights out and the fish should get some during the night when it is most active, good luck. :)
My syno loves Hikari shrimp pellets! My clown loaches also go mad over it.
Hi Scarlett! Sounds like typical behavior for synodontis. I have 2 synodontis eupterus (beautiful sailfin-like dorsals) and 1 synodontis decorus, you have described them perfectly. What you might try to do is turn out the tank lights, dim the room lights just enough that you can still see--when it gets dark enough, the cats will start moving around, you might be surprised at how active they actually are! :)
They are supposed to become more visible if you add more. I'm going to get 4 of them (Synodontis Multupunctatus, in my case). Hopefully, they will be more visible.
You could always try "Blue Moon" lights (cant think who makes em, they do the flora sun lights as well) and my synos and other shy fish come out all the time, but this light does not show up red colours and isnt much good for plants :unsure: If this is the case try it, if not as it gets bigger, he/she will get bolder, and if you feed at a regular time, they tend to become more active then

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