

Fish Crazy
Jan 27, 2007
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How easy is it to tell a Synodontis nigriventris from a eupterus when the fish is about 2" long... I brought what I was assured was a nigriventris but looking at him now and the pics of both from planet catfish I'm thinking he was mis-sold...

If it is a Eup. I'm going to return him as two Eup's are enough in my tank.
It's quite easy ...the eupterus will be very very stripey and attractive while a nigriventris will be brown and squat not as stream lined pretty as a juvi eupterus...hope that helps a bit. I think the eupterus will have smallish eyes to
Think then I ended up with another eup rather than nig... DOH!

Back he goes.
I'm going to kill that shop....

Took the Syno eup back (Well the wife did, she spoke to them and asked for a proper upside downcat fish - mentioning synodontis nig. by name).

Wife returned home with a fish after being told it was a nig - as it had been in the bag abit we released it after aclimitising it.

Now looking again after having more doubts about it (obligingly it sat on the glass for a while) its a ruddy Mystus leucophasis...

How much more a problem (ignoring size) is that than a syno. eup.? Skip that - got the answer... he's going back as well tomorrow.

Going to skip getting any cat's for a while.

Why do people work in LFS's and not have one person who knows what is what - I admit we got it wrong as well but its not my ruddy job...?
I wish I could find out what kind of Synodontis I have. He's black with just black spots on his fins. He blends in with my black sand really good now and is about 5 or 6 inches long. I've yet to see any pictures that resemble him :(

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