Synodontis Ready To Lay Eggs?


Fish Addict
Nov 4, 2009
Reaction score
west midlands,uk
i bought 3 synodontis nigrita on Saturday, 2 dark 1 lighter. the lighter one was the same as the rest, quite slender and normal. today however, she is really fat! her underside is huge compared with Saturday.

could she be egg laden?

i dont put enough food in my tank to make her that big if she indeed had eaten all of what i put in.

the syno in question is defending one piece of wood very vigorously and has kicked my bn out!! any fish that goes near it is chased away very quickly indeed. i cant get a pic of her because she stays in the wood and is to quick when chasing fish away to get a pic.

i need help with this one guys!

more likely that its been over fed or as the other geez suggested bloat, ive noticed my cats get realy ft afetr a feed an by morning its bacvk to normal size, this is with the smaller ones anyway

generaly fish dont get that much bigger when they are full of eggs, not the same as live bearers im afraid

best of luck if you were planning to breed em tho , i love synodontis

and back to the feeding bit ... trust me it doesnt take that much to get em plump ;P

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