Synodontis Petricola


Team TetraTEC
Feb 2, 2011
Reaction score
Oxford - UK
I was in my lfs yesterday and spotted a lone Synodontis Petricola so decided to go buy him today. There was a second one in the tank with him i hadn't spotted before so i had him too....£5 for them, bargain. Popped down to another shop and they were £15 each. :eek:

Now i understand they are best kept in groups and these two are going to go into my 90L for the time being. They are only just over an inch in size, very young. I plan to put lots of wood in there and rocks for cover. Would half a dozen be an ideal number to keep? and what else could i put in there? I'm pondering some shell dwellers. Never had any before and im quite interested in them.

I know the synos wont last forever in 90 litres and i'm told they are very shy but playful fish and can do well in community aquariums, so could quite happily fit into my 5 footer when they reach a healthy size.

Opinions? :D
I so want to do this:

made me lol :D
OMG that's crazy!! LOL! Perfect music. Geez ... the more I watched this I started getting the heebie jeebies!
nice find, petricola are pretty expensive whenever i see them.

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