Synodontis Petricola


Fish Addict
Jul 24, 2005
Reaction score
Bronx, NY
So i purchased 6 synodontis Petricola. Very EXCITED!! They should arrive in the mail sometime today. The total ran about 40 USD. That is including shipping. My question is, did i get a deal?

So i purchased 6 synodontis Petricola. Very EXCITED!! They should arrive in the mail sometime today. The total ran about 40 USD. That is including shipping. My question is, did i get a deal?

I guess it's a deal if they are true petricola - with the number of hybrids out there these days, I'd be cautious if ordering online and not seeing the fish first hand. Personally $40 sounds extremely cheap to me, which would worry me somewhat.
Get some pics of them when they arrive an post them to make sure you've got what you wanted.
Sorry, not meaning to sound negative...

Not sounding negative at all, exactally the kind of criticism i was looking for. I bought them off a member on the forums whom also sells quite a bit on aqua bid. He said he breeds them, I was initially going to get some Mulipunctatus but the petricola were cheaper :lol: I will put a few pictures up when they arrive or later on this evening.

if the supplier is breeding them then they are probably small fish and that is why they are cheap. But that is good because you know they are young and you can grow them up :)
Small/ young fish usually travel better than old fish
Just spoke to my brother he said that the fish just came and all six of them are in good shape. He said they are probably about an inch. I have a Mbuna 125 gallon tank i am planning on putting them in. I will keep you guys up to date, Pictures coming soon!
Yeah so my LOVELY sister went ahead and dumped the fish into the tank. Completely not listening to anything i said. I wanted to quarantene them in a bucket i had set up. She calls me up and asks, Wait you told me to put them in the big tank right? NO! Oh yeah because one of them was in a cichlids mouth but he wiggled out now they are hiding. I asked her to get them out of that tank and put them in the bucket but no I am leaving to go to the beach. So i wont be getting home for another 6 hrs! Would be nice to at least see them! Excuse my language but ####!

Not sounding negative at all, exactally the kind of criticism i was looking for. I bought them off a member on the forums whom also sells quite a bit on aqua bid. He said he breeds them, I was initially going to get some Mulipunctatus but the petricola were cheaper :lol: I will put a few pictures up when they arrive or later on this evening.

Ah OK, knowing the above, the price etc. would make more sense - just hope that they survive their sudden new home - awww, sisters, hey - who'd have 'em :look:
So as of last night upon arriving home i was determined to rip apart my tank to get these little buggers out of harms way. I couldnt see any but one who was just free swimming. As i started moving rocks the others gradually apeared. Then i realized if i take out the rocks they are exposed and that poses another problem. My final decision was leave them be. They are doing well enough thus far hiding in the rocks and i think once they get used to the environment i doubt the cichlids will pay any attention to them. They look great! VERY small. Im no syno expert but i would say from what ive seen of petri's looks like i got a deal.

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