Synodontis Ocellifer


A True Oddball
Jul 12, 2005
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UK, Nr Chester

after the help of identifying my Synodontis Ocellifer maybe someone can help me with this problem with it.

it KEEPs digging in the sand substrate, I currently have two large(ish) peices of bogwood in the tank.
1 piece is about 8"x4" and I have used this to make a cave, it is placed on top of small rocks, the catfish has dugg away the sand underneath this to make it "it's" home, but it is digging else where as well, I am concerned for the safety of the catfish and also the other fishes in the tank.

is there away to stop it from digging? or what?

the fish has only been in the tank two-3days
This is the ocellifer's natural behvaiour. Unfortunately, if it bothers you that much, you'd be better off getting rid of the catifsh.
Do you have sand or gravel in the tank? I kinda know how you feel my common pleco while swimming around will knock the plants out of the gravel and I always seem to be putting them back in only to have to put the back in the gravel again in a week or less later.
It will be absolutely fine, I find my big Syno. Angelicus in the weirdest of positions under bogwood in my 6ft tank, he digs the quartz gravel (1-1.5mm) away if he cant get to a hole he likes the look of, and besides the odd scratch i have never seen it cause him any permanent damage.

Looking at your fist you have a very odd mix, are they all in the same tank? as if they are once that polypterus is big enough it will feast on alot of your smaller fish such as the tetras, and the ocellifer itself may even munch on the odd tetra or 2 if it gets the chance.

Looking at your fist you have a very odd mix, are they all in the same tank? as if they are once that polypterus is big enough it will feast on alot of your smaller fish such as the tetras, and the ocellifer itself may even munch on the odd tetra or 2 if it gets the chance.


You can see my fist from there? :unsure:

I gather you mean fish, lol, :lol: , no they are in seperate tanks, I have the polypterus with the synodontis, the others are in the other tanks, at the moment the polyterus is only just big enough to eat bloodworms anyway.

I think the polypterus has been the only fish that I spent about two weeks researching before getting, he is the main fish, and the synodotis is the background fish, I wanted a striped Talking cat, or Rapheal as some people call them (platydora costatus), but the secimins that were available were all VERY dark and had little marks at all. I'm not sure if they were actually spotted Rapheal, which is my first choice, but I think the stripped look nicer. ANY WAY.. lol I do have a tendency to blither on and no a bit at times. sorry about that :*)

Nice website, I love the cats, That phantom Plec is beautiful, I wouldn't mind a Blue Plec, can't remember its name, but it is slighty blue, and becomes VERY blue later in its life.

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