Synodontis Multipunctatus


Dec 26, 2007
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Leeds, UK
Does anyone have experience of these fish? I've recently got one for my Tanganikyan setup and I just want to make sure it's getting enough food etc.

It mainly appears at night (as most articles told me it would) so i'm guessing the foods gotta be left for it to find!

Anyways, i feed my other fish a variety of pellets, flake, frozen tanganikyan mix. So would all these be ok as 'leftovers'?

I also put in algae wafers and some cucumber/courgette now and then for my bristlenose... again will the syno munch on these too?

Thanks in advance!
I'd suggest adding some more to get them out and about during the day, when you will see them feed. With a single specimen, it will struggle to compete for food with the cichlids and may go hungry. Adding food after dark may help, but make sure lights have been off for at leat an hour so the other fish have settled down for the night and add a few sinking pellets and watch to see if they get taken by the syno.
hey mate ive got three very small multis and they really do go and feed during light hours if theyre together. they seem to go looking for each other then go out in a pack looking for food.

mine are only about 3-4cm big. how big is yours?

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