Synodontis Multipunctatus Munch-munch


Fish Herder
Dec 14, 2003
Reaction score
Central Connecticut
I'm concerned my multipunks aren't getting enough food. I provide Biolab sinking algae wafers after I've fed the other fish in the 75 gallon spirulina flakes and floating Hikari balls of scrumptiousness..... but there still seems to be competition when I drop those green pies in.
How do you all go about feeding your whiskered friends?
I normally add some sinking pellets to the mix. I use New Life Spectrum pellets they seem to sink rather quick. I believe those cats are omnivous so you want to use more than algae tabs. You may even want to use shrimp pellets.
Mine go through a fair amount of JMC catfish pellets. And they love bloodworm! Which have to feed sparingly as they share the tank with a bunch of supposed vegetarian Malawi's who can develop bloat if they eat too much meaty food. :rolleyes: I make sure I feed the cichlids first and then the synos to try and give them a better chance of getting the food they need while the cichlids are still downing their own munchies. I also feed plec tablet food which all my synos enjoy and algae wafers. In fact I do feed my synos a great deal of food, albeit once a day with the odd day of fasting. They are big eaters. So saying if you do overfeed it won't stop them eating everything they can and end up with rather well rounded tummies. Like some of mine that are rather gluttinous. :*) But I prefer to see a bit of roundness around the tums rather then see them constantly feeling hungry and miserable as a result.
In short, just give more variety and not just veggie food. it simply isn't fulfilling their dietry needs. :thumbs:
Hi thanks for the replies -- I'll try your suggestions and definetly look into a sinking shrimp pellet. I have bloodworks (for my betta) but these float on the surface... :/
If you're using frozen bloodworm (thawed) then all you need to do is push it right under the water and it will sink. Live bloodworm will sink anyway. If you are using freeze dried then yes it all floats. I would not recommend using this. The other types I mentioned will work though.

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